CRank: 5Score: 24690

This is dumb. Why couldn't Capcom give Platinum Games to make this freakin game. LAME! I expect tons of QTE's now....ugh!

5278d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would so love a new Streets of Rage game...hell i wouldn't even care if its in 2D again. It was that awesome. Yuzo Koshiro's music is fantastic.

5281d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are people complaining about the graphics on this game? For a console game this looks great. And of course everyone has to realize PC always trumps over (graphics-wise) over any PS3 or Xbox 360 since the PC's parts can be updated.

PC gamers are Elitist and only rely on their technological superiority when they argue against a PS3 or Xbox 360 fanboy/girl, but also PS3 fanboys mostly tout GOW 3 and Uncharted as the best looking games ever. No doubt Uncharted looks great, but th...

5282d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i agree...where the hell is Devil May Cry 5 already! GOW 3 and Bayonetta have already been released...there's nothing to be afraid of anymore Capcom. :P

5285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope its DMC 5 but....that'll never happen since Capcom's event Captivate is in April and i'm sure they would debut it there...hopefully. God i hate these announcements of announcements...they're so disappointing in the end.

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Too bad Dante's half of the game is backtracking and not much of a new moveset with his sword...they actually took a few moves out from his DMC 3 moveset.

Anyway, yeah i agree. Nero is crap and i wish Capcom would just release a Vergil game already. Nero is the most unnecessary thing to happen in DMC.

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If DMC 4 is your first DMC game that you've played of course everyone is gonna say Nero is cool. Its too bad people don't realize he's freaking lame as hell. And if anyone actually thinks Nero is cool...they're not a true DMC fan.

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lemme guess you and your girl must also like the Twilight movies as well...since that's where Nero mostly fits in. Nero is epic fail. And sadly, DMC 4 brought in alot of new gamers since it went on the Xbox 360 and with a new every newb DMC fan thinks now Nero is cooler...which he most certainly IS NOT!

5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

UGH...DLC has got to be one of the most stupidest idea in this console generation. It'll just make publishers hold alot of content back and not giving us a full game. I die a lil everytime sumone mentions if their's going to be DLC in a particular game. Its just stupid. So is Trophy's and Acheivements....sumtimes people buy crappy games just to get an easy platinum trophy or whatever. Its stupid and that's why publishers just don't care anymore. At least in PC games they give you a Expansion ...

5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

God i hope DMC 5 is announced (i hope its revealed a bit sooner like the Games Developers Conference around late March but i doubt that. Or even Famitsu). I'm tired of GOW 3 this and Bayonetta that. I want the game that started the Stylish Action gnere.

5342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Devil May Cry 5 and Final Fantasy 13 Versus will have trailers

5347d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i totally want Vergil back. But i doubt he will be the main character....since Nero is the new kid on the block, Capcom is just gonna ram that emo down our throats when the majority of DMC fans don't like him.

I hope DMC 5 will be unveiled very soon...hopefully in January but i doubt that. Bayonetta is gimped on my enthusiasm for it is disappearing. At least Capcom knows how to make ports...and besides, Bayonetta is not as cool as Dante.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do wish this was a DMC game since i can't the main character of Bayonetta. But unfornately its not. But Bayonetta is still a great game. It might not have the great storyline as GOW, or the charisma of DMC. But the gameplay more then makes up for it. And its sucks that PS3 owners get shafted with this crappy port...i really wished it was an Xbox 360 timed exclusive (and i'm only a PS3 owner). But if Team Ninja can do the same thing with Ninja Gaiden i wonder why can't Sega do the same with ...

5388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL @ SilentNegotiator: He's probably trolling sum other poor game forum. He's like an annoying Jehovah's Witness...but for Bayonetta. I know he's on the Gametrailers forum spewing his Bayonetta obsession. And he's a regular at the Platinum Games forum where everyone there is a bunch of hacks.

5390d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How about no? Let those games stay as classics. What's with this stupid HD remakes. Its stupid if Capcom wastes money remaking old games that aren't even that old. They should concentrate more on a new game.

5397d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

JEEZ CAPCOM! When will you freakin announce DMC 5 instead of re-releasing DMC 4 to a digital distribution. I think everyone has pretty much played DMC 4 by now. Either they got it on the 1st day it was release, got it used or pirated the PC version. Its a 2 year old game already. Enough! I want to see DMC 5 already damnit!

And besides, DMC 4 isn't that great. DMC 1 and DMC 3 are the best. DMC 4 is in the league with DMC 2...both a pile of crap.

5397d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I totally agree. Piracy just keeps money out of the developers, especially since Bayonetta is a new IP and Platinum Games and Sega have to make their money in order to make these games. These games aren't cheap and whoever download these games are not only hurting the developers and publishers but gamers as well, since developing games cost millions of dollars nowadays.

Its truly awful stuff like this still happens but then again if people download this stuff they only should bl...

5398d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Who made you the authority on what a real or false gamer is?

Different folks have different tastes. Maybe they don't like these types of games and their comfortable with classic hack n' slash games which GOW and Dante's Inferno represent.

People should give this game a chance, but when people start spouting that this game is better then everything ever created before it when Bayonetta actually is just a mix of sum of the best parts of other games then you just seem ...

5399d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Chubear: I think Riki meant by Niche he meant by Bayonetta's weirdness and quirkiness.

5399d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Riki: GOW 3 overshadow Bayonetta...not this year. You're claiming a new IP game is gonna trump a established IP which is the last of the trilogy and everyone wants to play over a chick who can't keep her clothes on and is new on the scene and people are having doubts of buying the game...Oh yeah, that's guaranteed to overshadow GOW 3 *rolls eyes*

You're such a fanboy for this game its astounding.

Its a great game i admit it...but it has its flaws along with any oth...

5399d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment